Remember Remember

Remember Remember


Hazel McHaffie

ISBN: 9781906817787

Binding: paperback

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Back cover text:

When Doris is found directing traffic in the middle of the night, her daughter Jessica is forced to put her in a home. Clearing out the family house in preparation for selling it, Jessica comes across secrets her mother kept from her long before her memory began to erode under Alzheimer's Disease. The knowledge Jessica uncovers as the family secrets are revealed and past memories are stirred, is fleshed out by the revelations Doris herself provides as her story unravels backwards. But the biggest secret of all is only brought to light when a medical research programme requires blood samples.


Hazel McHaffie has an extraordinary ability to create the convincing inner voice of a person with severe dementia. The result is often both funny and poignant. She raises emotional and ethical issues not as theoretical ‘thin’ cases, but within the richly characterised world of the novel... a good read from start to finish.   Professor Tony Hope

This moving book will resonate with anyone who has ‘lost’ a loved one through the living death of Alzheimer’s.   Sir Cliff Richard, OBE

It provides an amazing insight into the thought process of someone with dementia, as well as being a gripping and heartfelt narrative.   Journal of Dementia Care

This novel, I’m sure, will resonate deeply with family members and carers trying to cope wit this most distressing condition. Recommended.