


John Hudson

ISBN: 9781908373366

Binding: paperback

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About this book:

John Hudson’s Earth is a beautiful exploration of our dependence on our planet. Through a variety of different poetic techniques, Hudson skilfully blends form and content in order to create a work of poetic genius. In Earth, Hudson asks the perennial question: What does it mean to be human?


There’s intellectual energy at work and a rich frame of reference. There’s a sense of place that has both extent and depth.  Kenneth White

Its economy is striking, vivid images conjured up in just a few words; the commonplace in counterpoint to the uncommon; well-worn figures of speech shining with new meaning; the profound rubbing up against the everyday and, in the process, teasing out unconsidered layers of meaning.  Liz Thomson, BookBrunch

I liked the underpinning rhythmic drive, the subtle half-rhymes, and the thought-provoking wit tinged with occasional sensuous/sensual imagery … the referencing to other cultures and belief-systems. You have got a winner of a collection there.  Roger Elkin, former editor of Envoi magazine