Singin I'm No a Billy He's a Tim

Singin I'm No a Billy He's a Tim


Des Dillon

ISBN: 9781908373052

Binding: paperback

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What happens when a Rangers fan and Celtic fan are locked in a prison cell together on the day of an Old Firm Match?

It is through Billy and Tim that Des Dillon explores sectarianism, bigotry, how it becomes part of one's identity and is inculcated by family and society. However, the book is not limited to Scotland but refers to every peace process in the world, where common ground and a shared humanity is found through responding to the needs of others. Now it is up to these two fans to start their personal peace process to find some common ground to slowly let go of their bigotry.


His raucous sense of humour and keen understanding of the west-coast sectarian mindset make his message seem a matter of urgency and not just a liberal platitude.   The Guardian

The potency of Dillon's writing beats louder than any drum that the bigots can bang.   Irish Post

Explosive.   Evening News

Scotland will never be free of the shackles of sectarianism unless we teach our youngsters that bigotry is wrong.   Jack McConnell MSP, Former First Minister

The sheer vitality of the theatrical writing - the seamless combination of verbal wit and raw kinetic energy, and the pure dynamic strength of the play's structure - makes [Singin I'm No a Billy He's a Tim] feel like one of the shortest and most gripping two-hour shows in current Scottish theatre.   The Scotsman

The show has gone down a storm on both sides of the Old Firm divide.   The Sunday Mail

Des Dillon is one of Scotland's most accomplished authors and playwrights.  The Derry Journal