Tribes of Glasgow

Tribes of Glasgow


March Book of the Month

Stephen Millar & Alan McCredie

ISBN: 9781912147854

Binding: paperback

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About this book:

Stephen Millar and Alan McCredie took to the streets of Scotland’s largest city to depict the multitude of groups, both old and modern, that make up its population. From cowboys to cosplayers, Barras traders to bikers, and gunslingers to goths, forget Humans of New York - these are the Tribes of Glasgow.


…an honest account of real places and people …a refreshing journey which makes you wonder, what is Scotland to you? THE SKINNY on This is Scotland

A collection of pictures that capture a spirit of each area. Rather than focus on the heather and hills, he’s turned his camera on the mundane, the Scotland we see every day. Writer Pictures on This is Scotland