100 Days of Hope and Fear

100 Days of Hope and Fear


How Scotland’s Referendum Was Lost and Won

David Torrance

ISBN: 9781910021316

Binding: paperback

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Back cover text:

What can the people of Scotland – and other aspirant nations – learn from this seismic ballots? Scotland’s independence referendum on 18 September 2014 was the most significant democratic event in Scotland’s history. The 100 days up to 18 September was the official campaign period and the world’s media was watching. David Torrance was there throughout, in front of the cameras, on the radio, in the newspapers, at the debates and gatherings, privy to some of the behind-the-scenes manoeuvrings.

A passionate federalist at heart, described disparagingly by the outgoing First Minister as ‘Tory-leaning’, Torrance made a valiant attempt to remain ‘professionally neutral’ throughout. His commentary and analysis as the campaign went through its many twists and turns was always insightful, if not always popular.


David Torrance has emerged as one of the campaign's most important commentators... [his] unauthorised biography of Alex Salmond, Against the Odds, has become the prescribed text for the flying columns of English-based and overseas journalists converging on Scotland in this our hour of destiny.  Kevin McKenna, Scottish Review of Books

Torrance has secured himself a prominent position in the referendum debate, partly through the strategic use of nice jumpers and expertly crafted hair, but largely on merit … [he deserves] far better than the lazy impossibilist critiques to which [his federalist] proposals have been subjected.  Rory Scothorne on Britain Rebooted

F*** sake... David Torrance on again. Is the greasy weasel never aff the telly?  Calum Findlay [on Twitter]

His diary is deliciously gossipy, entertainingly indiscreet, and a must-read for political geeks as well as those who want to see what goes on behind the scenes of Scotland's politics and media.  Stephen Daisley, STV