Doors Tae Naewye

Doors Tae Naewye


Christie Williamson

ISBN: 9781913025427

Binding: paperback

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About this book:

Doors tae Naewye harkens back to the wit of Burns, adding a modern twist to Scots poetry which brings political and philosophical tones to the fore. In this new collection, award-winning poet Christie Williamson adds a personal touch to his work in commemorative poems for wedding anniversaries and verse inspired by those close to him, beautifully conveying universal themes about family, nature and death.

Praise for Oo an Feddirs:

A confident collection by a young Shetlander, with poetry in English and in Shetland dialect interwoven, side by side. Christine de Luca

Christie Williamson’s new collection is fresh and clear: the mix of English and Shetlandic languages is balanced in ways that offer intimate registers as well as general appeal. Alexander Hutchison