Tweed Rivers

Tweed Rivers


New Writing and Art Inspired by the Rivers of the Tweed Catchment

Ken Cockburn & James Carter

ISBN: 9781905222254

Binding: paperback

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Back cover text:

A book of thoughts, of dreams and visions. A book of birdsong and the quick flash of the salmon... A handful of pearls.

There are many stories needing to be told about this 'Land of Tension', this frontier region, where ancient continents, historical political systems and armed hosts have clashed to bequeath a rich legacy which is recalled in song and etched into the very fabric of castles and towers. This project addresses this need through interpretation of key sites along the Tweed and its tributaries.

Combining poetry, essays and short prose as well as a variety of visual media from etchings and woodcuts through watercolours and acrylics to colour, black & white and pinhole photography, Tweed Rivers presents a contemporary reaction to this landscape, throwing over it - as Wordsworth would have had it - 'a certain colouring of the imagination'.