


Ann Kelley

ISBN: 9781906817121

Binding: paperback

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I ask for a mirror. My chest is covered in wide tape, so I can't see the clips or incision but I want to see my face, to see if I've changed. Gussie wants to go to school like every other teenage girl and find out what it's like to kiss a boy. But she's just had a heart and lung transplant and she's staying in London to recover from the operation. Between managing her parents' love lives, waiting for her breasts to finally start growing, and trying to hide a destructive kitten in her dad's expensive bachelor pad, Gussie makes friends with another cardio pation int the hospital, and finds out that she can't have everything her heart desires...


Not many books around that you can give to anyone of any age and be sure of an appreciative audience, but Kelley does it beautifully in this, the third in the Gussie series, following the well-deserved Costa Category award for The Bower Bird.  Sue Baker's Personal Choice, Publishing News

A great book.  The Independent

You have to read it, and it will stay with you forever!  Teen Titles